Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 07:30 - 18:00 Sat: 09:30 - 17:00 Sun: by appointment

Welcome to Trendy Flooring

Endless Variations of Luxury Flooring From Leading Brands

At Trendy Flooring we are dedicated to provide high quality wood, laminate and vinyl flooring, as well as floor finishing, maintenance and care products. We understand our customers desires for luxurious floors to inspire and enhance their homes, and that quality, innovation and functionality are of importance. We offer our customers a complete range of services starting from advice when deciding on the floor choice and design, as well as providing on-site visits, installation, and finishing. Satisfaction is guranteed.

We wIll be happy to welcome you at our showroom to view the full range of flooring available from world leading brands, and our dedicated sales team will be happy to help with choosing the right floor for you. 

Fitted by the professionals

Our fully qualified, reliable and experienced fitters can provide a professional fitting and installation service to the floor and design of your choice, as well as ensure the finished product is perfect and of the very highest standard. 

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Trendy Flooring